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Smithy on 08/23/2017 09:26 PM CDT
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Is there an update coming on the status of the smithy?
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 08:52 AM CDT
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>>Is there an update coming on the status of the smithy?

Not even a RRSN? Inquiring minds...

Also, a question: If I use an invite to the Smithy, can I get a second or third invite during the same Duskruin?
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 09:42 AM CDT
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how about increasing the invite allowance from 1 to 2 until the smithy is released?
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 10:35 AM CDT
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We are nearing the end of the QC for the updates. Information will be available soon.

As for smithy invites, originally we were going to be limiting these to only being able to obtain one per Duskruin event (separate from certificates). We changed that due to the delay. I realize there won't be as much time to earn a second one, but you will have the option once the smithy is opened.

Wyrom, PM
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 10:47 AM CDT
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any chance you can share the Invite % chance? I'm up to about 75 Perfects without one. I know just be patient etc. but I'm curious how patient.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:16 PM CDT
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I'm at over 100 runs without one. I'm curious why a priority to allow people to stack 2 of these, when they seem to be so rare
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:20 PM CDT
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>when they seem to be so rare

I don't think they're that rare, just bad luck in some cases, and it is the bad luck cases that are posting. I had one in under 60, I know one was awarded in the first few runs, and many people sharing their data have them.

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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:23 PM CDT
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How about upping the "drop rate" of invites instead of adding a second? A lot of us have done 70+ runs and haven't seen one.

(Bristenn takes a hold of Riend by the arm and swings her in, pulling her into an armored embrace. And, without further ado, he kisses Riend like he means it. Deffo means it.)
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:33 PM CDT
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I'd rather like to know where the cutoff is for having a chance at an invite, too.

Do you have to complete all 25 rounds or do you just have to survive 8 minutes?

I've been ranging between 224-235 bloodscript and I unfortunately run out of time quite a bit, but I usually kill up to the 4th champion. No invite as of yet.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:41 PM CDT
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Well, ran another 49 perfect runs this morning with one disconnect. No invite. I believe that puts me at 120 this week, and I am not continuing. I would like to see how much BS it will take for my armor, but I am not dropping anymore funds to find out.

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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 12:50 PM CDT
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>I'd rather like to know where the cutoff is for having a chance at an invite, too.

I doubt there is one.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:21 PM CDT
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>>Well, ran another 49 perfect runs this morning with one disconnect. No invite. I believe that puts me at 120 this week, and I am not continuing. I would like to see how much BS it will take for my armor, but I am not dropping anymore funds to find out.

Those numbers aren't adding up to what I see.

To clarify invites, they are intended to be rare. They weren't intended for everyone to get one. They are an added bonus to your arena wins. Winning an arena match has a small chance to get an invite, getting a perfect win (250 bloodscrip) ups the chances by x10. Doing a quick look, I see about 70% of all arena goers having earned one at this point.

Wyrom, PM
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:26 PM CDT
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probably an outlier but I got an invite after 5 runs.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:33 PM CDT
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>> To clarify invites, they are intended to be rare. They weren't intended for everyone to get one. They are an added bonus to your arena wins. Winning an
arena match has a small chance to get an invite, getting a perfect win (250 bloodscrip) ups the chances by x10. Doing a quick look, I see about 70% of
all arena goers having earned one at this point.

So a "win" counts as what? Killing all the creatures in the time limit?

Or is there a chance if you manage to kill a certain amount and still survive but run out of time?

Seems like it'd be skewed towards capped participants that can kill all the creatures in time. I don't think all classes and level ranges are easily able to finish in time.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:38 PM CDT
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Not to be cynical but people chasing the first invite is just more Simucoin buys, so not much motivation to make it easier. Folks stopping the grind after one invite however is hurting sales and gets attention.

Vhorg Emberskald
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:38 PM CDT
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A win is defeating all opponents (or 25 rounds).

Wyrom, PM
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:40 PM CDT
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And that's an issue? There's a reason why a capped character is more powerful.. might have something to do with the millions of exp and hundreds of hours spent grinding... You want capped characters to be have both hands tied behind their backs and go into the arena like a lame duck? Heh...

By the way this just happened: An announcer shouts, "Eliaku just surrendered to a behemoth mud-covered crab!"

Not every capped character can bulldoze through the arena. Certain classes definitely have an advantage cough*sorcs*cough. Anytime you can get rid of a body, it speeds up the whole thing by a lot. Spells like 717, 720, and I heard even 1115.

Another tip .. e-wave will pretty much make you safe from the critter.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 01:47 PM CDT
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>>And that's an issue?

Does the arena scale? If yes (and assuming all other categories are equal like tactics and skill in GS combat), then the success rate should be fairly consistent across all categories.

If the success rate is not, yes, there's an issue. If it is not, whether it is at the upper end or the lower end is a fun exercise left to. . . whoever.

Of course, if it is not designed to scale, none of the above applies.

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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 02:30 PM CDT
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Levels of the critters spawned scale with a certain range.
I think it starts off -3/+3 and scales as you progress through the rounds up to +10 your level.
There is a large variety of critter archtypes that spawn, some are just fodder, others are strong against AS, strong against CS etc.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 02:38 PM CDT
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<<Those numbers aren't adding up to what I see>>

blank stare

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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 02:38 PM CDT
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Please don't open this on a Sunday at noon and close by 4pm. After weeks of mystery, I'll be a bit disappointed if I can't even get in the door with my invite because I couldn't plan for an unknown narrow window of opening. Some advance notice of when to be there would be nice.


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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 02:39 PM CDT
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>Please don't open this on a Sunday at noon and close by 4pm. After weeks of mystery, I'll be a bit disappointed if I can't even get in the door with my invite because I couldn't plan for an unknown narrow window of opening. Some advance notice of when to be there would be nice.

my impression is that once it is open, it is open for the duration of the event.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 03:20 PM CDT
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And no, I'm not asking for capped players to be gimped in the Arena by any means - you guys have made it that far. Kudos.

I just wish there was some possibility/chance of getting an invite even if you don't kill all the creatures in the time limit, as not all levels/classes are fast enough to do so. I definitely agree it shouldn't be as high of a chance if you finish, but killing 23-24 of the creatures and getting 230 script ought to count for a potential chance. (Though this is mainly because most of my runs are part of this 'close but no cigar' range. Heh.)

I think I've got about 30 slips or so left - have to debate whether I want to make an attempt in the Arena with the remainder, as it's rare for me to finish/kill all the creatures.
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 04:25 PM CDT
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I still see 560ish DS sometimes, and the best thing to do is just wait til they take their own trap and try to hit them hard with an mstrike. But it's possible.. though time consuming for paladins / warriors etc that swing weapons as opposed to casting. Not always does the divine strike bring the defense low enough to do something either.. best thing to do is work with what you can do. That said.. it's very difficult at the end (in my case) if I am not able to cast (divine strike or crusade). Sometimes near that last 30 seconds I am on the final champ. It becomes a death match.. typically 3 to 4 mstrikes wins (with popped muscles that get healed after the win or lost).

BTW: It seems grahns, trolls etc... are just high enough that the short sword (wakizashi) can't ambush / hit high enough but an offhand falchion can. I find that interesting. Thankfully divine strike / beheading usually does the trick :-)

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
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Re: Smithy on 08/24/2017 07:15 PM CDT
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Let's get back to the discussion at hand, please, and not any comments about others posts or posting-style. This is already a delicate topic right now and I'd hate to spend the time closing the thread because it's erupted into a flame war.

Thank you.

Platinum Co-Guru
Forums Manager
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Re: Smithy on 08/25/2017 12:43 PM CDT
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Wyrom, really request you double check the code on that, I've observed that its much more likely to get invites on a non-perfect run than a perfect run. On my various characters, the perfect running one (90% of the time or so) still hasn't gotten it over the one who did get it at less than perfect.

Maybe the code got mixed up?
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Re: Smithy on 08/25/2017 12:57 PM CDT
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> On my various characters, the perfect running one (90% of the time or so) still hasn't gotten it over the one who did get it at less than perfect.
I'd believe it. ~125 runs, of which all but one were perfect, and no smithy invite.
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Re: Smithy on 08/25/2017 01:35 PM CDT
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Also curious on this. And curious about whether group runs have any bearing/effect on the ability to receive an invite.
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