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A Curse Upon Thee... on 02/07/2021 01:50 PM CST
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Perhaps it was a mistake to wander into this shop, I had thought, while debating my choices in life as I stared at the wares that eerily called to me. I should not have tarried too long, as my curiosity oftens gets the better of me... and it was starting to now. Each item bore a unique design, but all maintained a similar trait: armor... with bits of black ora.

Goose pimples rose from my skin as I continued my meandering, looking for someone, anyone, who might be able to offer some insight as to what I was seeing. No one was found, despite the feeling of being watched from all over. Terror overcame me as I could feel spectral fingers grip my neck and drag me towards one display. I was beholden to my curiosity, but also my fear. I must get away from here... but my feet would not move in the direction I begged of them. No... no... I was drawn to what seemed my destiny.

In a panic, I offered up my payment to a worker who suddenly appeared, and was in turn, offered a new set of armor that held an ominous presence. It hungered...

No longer held in place by whatever malicious presence remained in the shop, I stepped out and stared down at my newly acquired leathers. Time stood still as I debated my decision. It was too late, as I sensed the merchant behind the shop, Shadowed Light, had an "ALL SALES FINAL, no returns or exchanges, no store credit" policy in place. I was stuck with this, whether I wished it or not.

Something... shadowy seemed to slither across the surface... or perhaps I imagined it. I gulped, fearing this would be the end, and offered a prayer to Fash'lo'nae, before donning the armor. I felt those shadows ooze out of the armor, and then, I couldn't breathe. I wanted to scream, but my voice caught in my throat. I tried to remove it, but it was then I realized the armor was stuck to me... and refused to come off. I cried, resigning myself to my fate... and my hunger.

To be continued...
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... on 02/07/2021 02:21 PM CST
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Omg omg omg
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... on 02/07/2021 04:45 PM CST
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I have no idea what it is, but I want it.
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... on 02/07/2021 04:52 PM CST
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... black ora armor?! COOL.

(Or, shadowdeath, but much more likely black ora.)

~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
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A Curse Upon Thee... Part 2 on 02/07/2021 08:33 PM CST
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I awoke in a gutter nearby the grate where many ran in and out, scurrying like the rats they are. My body, my mind, it all ached. The last thing I remembered was attempting to REMOVE the armor from me, only to have pain rip through me like those in the arena rip through their voucher books. My nerves were shot... I could feel everything. Why... what did I do to deserve this? I PULLed at the armor that clung voraciously to my body... my soul... I could feel my spirit drain from me. I was scared. I... I didn't know what to do.

I stood, trying to make sense of what had happened, what was happening to me. Distractedly, I TOUCHed my hand to chest, covering the leather, and felt a sharp pain stab at my fingertips, the sensation fading as quickly as it surfaced. I could not help but think... armor is meant to protect me... yet all it has given me so far is pain. I could feel it starting again, forcing me to BOW in submission to it. I saw the shadows once more, rising up to my face before dissipating completely.

The hunger... I was so hungry... but... was it actually the armor begging to be fed? How...? The urge to RUB my armor over my stomach was overwhelming and I was suddenly wracked with starvation, as though I had not eaten in days... weeks. The cravings came on so strong and I... if I did not eat, I would die... No... if the armor did not eat... it might kill me.

To be continued...
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A Curse Upon Thee... Part 3 on 02/08/2021 12:02 PM CST
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It was beginning to feel like a second skin, the armor... The longer it was stuck on me... the more I felt... comfortable? No, not comfortable... eerily at ease. We were slowly becoming one with an odd AFFINITY for each other. Not quite parasitic in nature... perhaps more symbiotic.

Despite the growing comfort, from time to time, I felt the need to CRACK my neck, as if trying to relieve an unfelt discomfort... but each time it did, I felt almost dizzy, my vision blurring so much.

Occasionally, I would lose my focus on whatever task was at hand, distracted by a vision that I couldn't place properly. When I regained my attention, I realized I had SCRATCHed myself sufficiently enough to draw blood. Should I have felt afraid? I was more worried that I didn't.

To be continued...
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 3 on 02/08/2021 02:43 PM CST
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>parasitic, symbiotic, neck-cracking...

Oh gods, we're getting Goa'ulds?!?!


~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 3 on 02/08/2021 03:34 PM CST
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<<Oh gods, we're getting Goa'ulds?!?!

Tek'ma'tek Bra'tac!
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 3 on 02/08/2021 03:51 PM CST
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>Tek'ma'tek Bra'tac!

Right back atchya! ;)

~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
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A Curse Upon Thee... Part 4 on 02/08/2021 06:00 PM CST
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There are shadows everywhere... all around me. Am I just seeing things? The visions persist, Clouding my eyes, Obscuring my sight. When will it all just Leave me be?!

I try to STRETCH my body, as the armor feels tight around me. I cough, and feel a dark essence escape my lips. If I RAISE my hand... tendrils of shadow ooze from my fingers... I feel them caress my face.

Am I possessed? Am I mad? Have I sold my soul? I feel so lost... Someone... anyone... help... me...

To be continued...
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 4 on 02/08/2021 06:04 PM CST
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Loving this! :-)

-- Robert

>> You tremble and can barely hold onto the mithril greataxe. You estimate it must be worth over a hundred million silvers!
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 4 on 02/08/2021 06:10 PM CST
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>hints and teasers...

Ooooh, these are getting better and better and better! :D

~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 4 on 02/08/2021 07:53 PM CST
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Alright, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Part 4 on 02/08/2021 08:15 PM CST
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>...Clouding my eyes, Obscuring my sight. When will it all just Leave me...

C...O...L... armor.
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A Curse Upon Thee... Part 5 on 02/09/2021 08:28 AM CST
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I am being haunted... I am being hunted...

I see dark figures in my peripheal view, but when I turn to look, they are not there. I BREATHE, trying to calm myself, but the pervasion feeling of paranoia encompasses me, making me acutely aware of each thumping beat of my heart.

No, nothing is there. Wait? Am I wrong... What was that? Can it hear me? I'm waiting to EXHALE, only to be tormented by the shadows surrounding me.

I can do only one thing... I SURRENDER to the darkness.


(Stay tuned...)
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A Curse Upon Thee... Epilogue on 02/09/2021 03:08 PM CST
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I hope you all have enjoyed my little story following one's descent into madness upon wearing... Cursed Armor. I know you all have been DYING for the deets, so here they are.

Cursed Armor has four tiers of unlocking available, each tier granting both benefits and backlash. This is based on an affinity (hunger) system. The higher the tier, the higher the affinity. With the armor being cursed, similar to black ora, you need to UNCURSE it to remove it. This is very important to remember because you WILL incur damage if you even attempt to remove it prior to doing so...

Backlash affects will continue to be felt until max affinity for the tier is reached. So, as noted by the table below, if you max your affinity/attunement, you will not feel the affects of the noted backlash. Also, be warned that foreign wearers of the armor (once affinity starts being gained by the originial wearer) will find themselves falling victim to backlash more than the one who has built up affinity to the armor.

That being said, those who belong to a certain CULT of madness will notice some additional benefits beyond what someone who doesn't walk in the light will see.

Please note that each consecutive tier will have both the boosts, and the backlashes of the prior tier available to it.

Tier Affinity Boost Backlash Cult Perk
OTS/10-500Chance to flare Calm when hit successfully by a foeRandom hard RT up to 10 seconds1x/day Hypnosis (HANG)/Possession (POUND) using mana, not spirit. (2x/day upon full affinity)
20-1000Chance to flare +5 DS (per unlock tier) upon attack attemptChance of -5 DS (per unlock tier) upon attack attempt1x/day Healing (HOLD) using mana, not spirit (2x/day upon full affinity)
30-3000+3 TD (per unlock tier) to Tier 2's boost)Random head injury and hard RT1x/day Mana Regen (WAVE) for 10 min (2x/day upon full affinity)
40-4000Chance of +20 AS/+12 CS upon attack/cast attempt-12 TD to Tier 2 backlash, 1 spirit drained if armor is not fed (persists with full affinity)1x/day Darkness (SURRENDER) (2x/day upon full affinity)*

*Reduces spirit to 1. If already at 1, rank 2 nerve wound instead.
Mana reduced to 0
Cult benefits stripped
Can be used in RT and stunned (you CANNOT use if unconscious or dead)
CANNOT be used in anti-magic rooms or rooms you would otherwise not be able to teleport out of
Will not appear "drained" in public
FORCED prone with a stun

Now, aside from the mechanics, I will leave everything else for you people to discover and I can't wait to see it all on the wiki (hint, hint).

* First: this project could not have been completed without the awesome code ninja skills of GM Naiken, so thank you, GM Naiken, for all your hard work on this armor.
* Second: GM Sindin offered up some additional and awesome flavorings to this. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did. Thank you, GM Sindin.
* Third: I would like to thank the group that inspired this idea.

>Scurry my little ants! Scurry to be insulted by a hairdresser and then murdered by the Jason Mamoa of Arkati!
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Epilogue on 02/09/2021 06:18 PM CST
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Clarifications from Discord:
"Cult benefits stripped" means any active society abilities end with no deactivation cost (eg, no spirit death).
All ASGs will be available.
T1 and T2/T3 can happen in the same attack.
T2/T3 activates upon being attacked, lasts just the instance they occur.
T4 activates on your attack, single instance.
Cat D slot only.

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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Epilogue on 02/09/2021 07:44 PM CST
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Really neat!

Tough choice on this for me... this armor (does it come in brigandine?) or the elven armor (that 1% spell hindrance...).
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 02/09/2021 08:05 PM CST
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All ASGs will be available.


OTS/T1 (the armor itself)30k

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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 02/09/2021 08:16 PM CST
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I might have a sorc who's interested in this idea.
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 02/10/2021 05:51 PM CST
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Was super excited until I saw the price tag. It's an impressive armor, but 800k seems much too expensive for this. That's more than even mana armor and parasite armor.
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 02/10/2021 05:53 PM CST
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I hope at least there's an attuned option for this....
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 07/09/2021 09:42 AM CDT
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In reading through (the posts here, and the GSWiki page) it looks to me as though a non-Shadowy person can use these armors and benefit from the "Boost" at each tier, but only the Shadowy folks get the possible Perk; did I grok that correctly?

Do I correctly interpret this that the "Boost" can potentially be activated by any cast/attack? (I saw nothing about a cooldown, nor duration.)

Xeraphina, any chance that this script will be able to be added to existing armors?
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 07/12/2021 06:27 AM CDT
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>>In reading through (the posts here, and the GSWiki page) it looks to me as though a non-Shadowy person can use these armors and benefit from the "Boost" at each tier, but only the Shadowy folks get the possible Perk; did I grok that correctly?

That is correct.

>>Do I correctly interpret this that the "Boost" can potentially be activated by any cast/attack? (I saw nothing about a cooldown, nor duration.)

That is also correct.

>>Xeraphina, any chance that this script will be able to be added to existing armors?

Not at this time.

>Scurry my little ants! Scurry to be insulted by a hairdresser and then murdered by the Jason Mamoa of Arkati!
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 07/12/2021 06:31 AM CDT
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Thanks for the replies!
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Re: A Curse Upon Thee... Costs on 08/30/2021 06:29 PM CDT
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I noticed since I got the T4 cert and finally gained full affinity, I haven't seen the T4 cursed armor flares (Chance of +20 AS/+12 CS upon attack/cast attempt) at all. Attached is just a small example of a 1030 open where it doesn't flare. Obviously this is way too small of a sample size to actually know whether it is flaring but trying to avoid an unnecessarily huge log of my 3 toons in the arena together just for this one's armor. I have been paying pretty close attention since i developed full affinity to the T4 armor and this is all I am ever seeing. What am I doing wrong or missing with the flares on the cursed armor?

>incant 1030 open
You speak quietly in flowing elven, preparing the Song of Sonic Disruption spell...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony.
CS: +535 - TD: +400 + CvA: +25 + d100: +54 == +214
Warding failed!
A behemoth mud-covered crab reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 104 damage!
... 100 points of damage!

CS: +535 - TD: +400 + CvA: +25 + d100: +96 == +256
Warding failed!
A burly grahnk reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 129 damage!
... 120 points of damage!
The burly grahnk's entire hand explodes in a shower of blood and bone.

CS: +535 - TD: +391 + CvA: +25 + d100: +83 == +252
Warding failed!
A shaggy tusked ursian reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 127 damage!
... 115 points of damage!
The tusked ursian's midsection swells painfully then bursts, sending the tusked ursian everywhere.
The tusked ursian collapses heavily into a heap on the ground and dies.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
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