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Treasure Trove 2.0 on 08/03/2019 04:27 PM CDT
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I am hoping that this will be ready for a beta run next weekend (Duskruin Arena). Nonetheless, here are some details about the changes that were implemented based on player comments and suggestions!

Two elements of Trove 2.0 will be the same: The shelf (primary display, which holds the current raffle item) and the tray (secondary display, which holds four potential "next up for raffle" items). The "next up" item will be selected at random from among the four existing items on the secondary display once a raffle winner has been chosen for the item previously on the primary display.

When an item moves to the primary display, its raffle begins. The duration of the raffle is a pre-determined time, and is typically the same for all future raffles. To participate in the raffle, a player needs a raffle token, acquired from the same area where the Trove exists. (IE: tokens acquired at Duskruin Arena cannot be used for a Treasure Trove at Ebon Gate.) Drop your token into the appropriate container and cross your fingers! You can enter a single raffle as many times as you want - limited only by 1) the number of tokens you possess, and 2) a 10-second roundtime for each entry.

Methods to obtain raffle tokens may vary from event to event -- be sure to find out ahead of time which method(s) will be used.

Raffle Tokens, by default, have three charges. A charge is depleted when a token is used to enter a raffle. Winning tokens will be destroyed regardless of remaining charges. Otherwise, tokens with remaining charges are returned to a player (player-initiated) after the end of the raffle for which you had used your token. Once a token is returned to the player, it becomes character-bound.

When a raffle winner is drawn, the winning character will receive an in-game message about the win (assuming he/she is online) and the item will move to the retrieval rack where it can only be removed by the winning account (though only the winner will receive the message). This notification messaging will happen every 5 minutes until the item is picked up. If the NEXT raffle is drawn before the item has been retrieved, then the item will be forfeit (along with the token). PLEASE PICK UP YOUR WINNING ITEMS TO AVOID ITEM LOSS.

Winning accounts will be ineligible from participation in the current Trove's raffles for 36 hours*.

RECAP of Important Information:

- Raffles have a hard entry limit of 50.
- You cannot enter a raffle if you have tokens that need to be returned.
- You cannot enter a raffle if you have a winning item on the retrieval rack.
- If you fail to pick up your winning item before the next raffle is drawn, your item and associated raffle token will be forfeited.
- Beyond the hard entry limit, there is no cap on individual raffle entries.
- Returned tokens will become character-attuned.
- Win lockouts carry a 36 hour duration and are account-based.
- Outside of the raffle token, there is no additional cost to receive your winning item.

* These values are subject to change at management's discretion.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

This message was originally posted in Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins, General Discussions of Paid Events. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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