ImPression is a new two-room shop at Rumor Woods this year. The 1st room of the shop has a flower press in it. These flower presses are a new item.
If you take a foraged item, place it in the press, and PINCH it, then you will transform the flower into a pressed flower. This pressed flower can then be POINTed at any single page from a Wavedancer Journal, Script Paper, or plain, unscripted paper to transfer a design onto the paper. Not only that, but your flower press comes with 2 designs and can be customized for an additional 10.
Fashioned of two placards of lacquered modwir, the flower press has four long screws that are bound by yellow gold bolts. Thin pieces of white tissue paper help to absorb the moisture from specimens placed on its platform, while small straps allow the piece to be worn on a belt. Carved into the center of the lid is a celadon rune that can be used to trigger the drying process once both the placards are pinched in place.
Currently, the platform doesn't have anything on it.
Here is the analyze for the flower press:
You analyze your copper flower press and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A birch and copper flower press is a "Flower Power" flower press that can be used to transform a (foraged item) into a parchment altering device. Simply place a foraged item into the press and PINCH the handles together. It will change the (foraged item) into "a dried and pressed (foraged item)" that can then be POINTed at any acceptable parchment to transfer its designs onto it.
The press has the following design options (which can be cycled through by using TURN):
Stock 1: Colorful depictions of (foraged item) trail down the left-hand side of the (paper), which also has bold whorls twisting throughout the design.
Stock 2: Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the (paper), while heavy lines and delicate pigments create (foraged item) design in each of the four corners.
Custom 1: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 2: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 3: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 4: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 5: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 6: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 7: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 8: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 9: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 10: This design has not been created yet.
It is currently set to transfer the Stock 2 design to the next (foraged item) placed in it and PINCHED.
This item may be altered freely so long as the design makes sense. It does have a STOCK description that will always be present, but that can have the wood, bolts, and rune-color customized.
Wood Options: ash, beech, birch, black willow, cedar, cherry, cocobolo, ebonwood, fel, haon, hazelwood, linden, mahogany, maoral, maple, mistwood, modwir, oak, pine, rosewood, tanik, teak, walnut, white monir, witchwood, and zebrawood
Bolt Options: alum, brass, bronze, copper, faenor, gold, iron, kelyn, laje, mithril, pewter, pink gold, platinum, red gold, rose gold, silver, steel, vaalin, white gold, and yellow gold
Rune Color Options: amber, aubergine, azure, black, blue, brown, burnt umber, celadon, cerise, coppery green, dark green, forest green, garnet, golden, honey brown, indigo, lemon yellow, orange, primrose, rose pink, ruby red, sanguine, silver, tangerine, teal, and violet
Current Wood: modwir
Current Bolt: yellow gold
Current Rune: celadon
Any merchant can do the following in 1 sitting:
Change Custom Wood, Bolt, and Rune based on the provided list of options.
Add 1 design to your press
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 05/23/2021 02:26 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 05/23/2021 07:14 PM CDT
There were a lot of questions about this in the Rumor Woods channel on Discord. So let me handle them all here:
> Can you still write on the paper?
Yes, if you could always write on the paper then you still can after you put a design on it.
> Can you use it on scrolls?
No, I'm sorry you can't.
> Can you use it on Canvas?
No, I'm sorry you can't.
> I guess I'm not really sure I understand how this works.
Let me show you:
You glance down to see a birch and copper flower press in your right hand and a purple passionflower in your left hand.
>put passion in my press
You carefully place your purple passionflower onto the small platform at the end of your copper flower press.
>pinch my press
Closing the modwir lid, you carefully twist down each of the modwir bolts in the four corners of your copper flower press before activating the celadon rune in the middle. A dry heat emanates from the device as the crimson outline of passionflower slowly illuminates on the lid. It only takes a few moments before the light and heat fade away, allowing you to quickly untwist each yellow gold bolt and open the modwir lid.
>take passion in my press
You pluck a dried and pressed passionflower from off of the platform in your copper flower press.
>analyze my passion
You analyze your pressed passionflower and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A dried and pressed passionflower has been created using the "Flower Power" flower press on it. When it is pointed at a piece of paper, or any of the accepted nouns, it instill its image upon the paper. This particular passionflower will change the paper's LOOK description to:
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the (paper), while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.
Once it has done this, it will disintegrate.
Due to the nature of the passionflower, it cannot be altered.
You glance down to see a piece of pink vellum in your right hand and a dried and pressed passionflower in your left hand.
>point my pass at my vellum
You lay your pressed passionflower upon a piece of pink vellum, which instantly responds by transforming the passionflower into a fine mist that slowly settles into the vellum.
>l my vellum
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the vellum, while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.
>Does it work with Wavedancer Journals?
Yes, but the page has to be ripped out of the journal fist.
>Does it work with Valyrka's stationery?
>What else does it work with?
Any unscripted item with the following noun:
agreement, card, certificate, chart, charter, chit, contract, coupon, deed, debenture, document, flyer, invoice, leaflet, letter, list, memorandum, message, missive, note, notice, page, palimpest, paper, papyrus, parchment, pass, permit, poster, proclamation, recipe, scroll, slip, stationery, sheet, vellum, voucher
If you feel I missed a noun, it isn't too late to suggest it, but please suggest it here.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
> Can you still write on the paper?
Yes, if you could always write on the paper then you still can after you put a design on it.
> Can you use it on scrolls?
No, I'm sorry you can't.
> Can you use it on Canvas?
No, I'm sorry you can't.
> I guess I'm not really sure I understand how this works.
Let me show you:
You glance down to see a birch and copper flower press in your right hand and a purple passionflower in your left hand.
>put passion in my press
You carefully place your purple passionflower onto the small platform at the end of your copper flower press.
>pinch my press
Closing the modwir lid, you carefully twist down each of the modwir bolts in the four corners of your copper flower press before activating the celadon rune in the middle. A dry heat emanates from the device as the crimson outline of passionflower slowly illuminates on the lid. It only takes a few moments before the light and heat fade away, allowing you to quickly untwist each yellow gold bolt and open the modwir lid.
>take passion in my press
You pluck a dried and pressed passionflower from off of the platform in your copper flower press.
>analyze my passion
You analyze your pressed passionflower and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A dried and pressed passionflower has been created using the "Flower Power" flower press on it. When it is pointed at a piece of paper, or any of the accepted nouns, it instill its image upon the paper. This particular passionflower will change the paper's LOOK description to:
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the (paper), while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.
Once it has done this, it will disintegrate.
Due to the nature of the passionflower, it cannot be altered.
You glance down to see a piece of pink vellum in your right hand and a dried and pressed passionflower in your left hand.
>point my pass at my vellum
You lay your pressed passionflower upon a piece of pink vellum, which instantly responds by transforming the passionflower into a fine mist that slowly settles into the vellum.
>l my vellum
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the vellum, while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.
>Does it work with Wavedancer Journals?
Yes, but the page has to be ripped out of the journal fist.
>Does it work with Valyrka's stationery?
>What else does it work with?
Any unscripted item with the following noun:
agreement, card, certificate, chart, charter, chit, contract, coupon, deed, debenture, document, flyer, invoice, leaflet, letter, list, memorandum, message, missive, note, notice, page, palimpest, paper, papyrus, parchment, pass, permit, poster, proclamation, recipe, scroll, slip, stationery, sheet, vellum, voucher
If you feel I missed a noun, it isn't too late to suggest it, but please suggest it here.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 05/23/2021 07:24 PM CDT
>analyze my binder
You analyze your saffron suede binder and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Introduced at the 5121 Grand Tourney at Rumor Woods; this is the Elanthian Binder. It is designed to hold your loose bits of stationery and miscellaneous paper items; the binder can house a total of twenty-five pieces of stationery. Additionally, if there is a blank piece of stationery directly behind a piece of stationery that has either a description or is written on, the binder can be asked to attend and it will make a complete copy of that proceeding item.
Here is some additional information on an azalea-embossed saffron suede binder.
Attend will let you copy onto the current blank page in the binder whatever page is before it.
Flip will bring you to the beginning of the binder.
Look, when the binder is open, will show you the currently visible page.
Pour will let you add ink to the binder, which is necessary to use attend. The binder currently does not have ink in it.
Put (page) in my binder allows you to add up to 25 pages to the binder, which currently is holding zero pages.
Read allows you to read the current page the binder is turned to when open and when closed the spine.
Tear allows you to remove the page you are currently on from your binder.
Turn allows you to turn to the next page in the binder.
An azalea-embossed saffron suede binder currently has 0 pages in it.
To answer the 1st question, yes, it takes special ink that is sold in the shop.
You may alter the binder freely so long as it remains some kind of binder, book, etc. It must make sense for the item. Your alterer will never be able to deepen or lighten the binder, or alter any of the pages you have stored within.
If you feel that the page you are trying to add is not being accepted and you'd like to have it reviewed then please feel free to BUG the binder and mention the noun of the item you are trying to add.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
You analyze your saffron suede binder and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Introduced at the 5121 Grand Tourney at Rumor Woods; this is the Elanthian Binder. It is designed to hold your loose bits of stationery and miscellaneous paper items; the binder can house a total of twenty-five pieces of stationery. Additionally, if there is a blank piece of stationery directly behind a piece of stationery that has either a description or is written on, the binder can be asked to attend and it will make a complete copy of that proceeding item.
Here is some additional information on an azalea-embossed saffron suede binder.
Attend will let you copy onto the current blank page in the binder whatever page is before it.
Flip will bring you to the beginning of the binder.
Look, when the binder is open, will show you the currently visible page.
Pour will let you add ink to the binder, which is necessary to use attend. The binder currently does not have ink in it.
Put (page) in my binder allows you to add up to 25 pages to the binder, which currently is holding zero pages.
Read allows you to read the current page the binder is turned to when open and when closed the spine.
Tear allows you to remove the page you are currently on from your binder.
Turn allows you to turn to the next page in the binder.
An azalea-embossed saffron suede binder currently has 0 pages in it.
To answer the 1st question, yes, it takes special ink that is sold in the shop.
You may alter the binder freely so long as it remains some kind of binder, book, etc. It must make sense for the item. Your alterer will never be able to deepen or lighten the binder, or alter any of the pages you have stored within.
If you feel that the page you are trying to add is not being accepted and you'd like to have it reviewed then please feel free to BUG the binder and mention the noun of the item you are trying to add.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 05/23/2021 08:15 PM CDT
>Elanthian Trapper Keeper
Ahhhhhhhh!!! Oh, harkening back the younger years, are we?!?! :D :D
On a serious note, will there be any way to be able to increase the amount of pieces of stationery each of these binders will be able to hold, hopefully?
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Ahhhhhhhh!!! Oh, harkening back the younger years, are we?!?! :D :D
On a serious note, will there be any way to be able to increase the amount of pieces of stationery each of these binders will be able to hold, hopefully?
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 05/23/2021 08:24 PM CDT
>On a serious note, will there be any way to be able to increase the amount of pieces of stationery each of these binders will be able to hold, hopefully?
Unfortunately, there are too many things that the binder has to store in order for it to be able to let you LOOK at the page it is turned to, READ the page it is turned to, and TEAR the page that it is turned to.
So the binder will never store more than 25 pages.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Unfortunately, there are too many things that the binder has to store in order for it to be able to let you LOOK at the page it is turned to, READ the page it is turned to, and TEAR the page that it is turned to.
So the binder will never store more than 25 pages.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 05/31/2021 09:22 AM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 05/31/2021 11:03 AM CDT
Good morning,
There have been some interesting questions about this item. Let me clarify a few things for you...
>Can you lock down the binder so that only the author of it can edit it?
No, this isn't a bookbinding item. This is a binder.
>Would you consider it in the future?
Unfortunately, that isn't something that I had ever considered for this. My thought was that many people have letters that take up multiple locker slots. Items that are single pieces that they'd like to have in one place. That and the ability to make a flyer for an event. Or a copy of a contract. Or something similar.
The problem with allowing players the ability to create and bind their own books is that it utterly jumps the QC process. Small little letters and notes to one another are one thing. Entire volumes are a totally different thing.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
There have been some interesting questions about this item. Let me clarify a few things for you...
>Can you lock down the binder so that only the author of it can edit it?
No, this isn't a bookbinding item. This is a binder.
>Would you consider it in the future?
Unfortunately, that isn't something that I had ever considered for this. My thought was that many people have letters that take up multiple locker slots. Items that are single pieces that they'd like to have in one place. That and the ability to make a flyer for an event. Or a copy of a contract. Or something similar.
The problem with allowing players the ability to create and bind their own books is that it utterly jumps the QC process. Small little letters and notes to one another are one thing. Entire volumes are a totally different thing.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/08/2021 02:43 PM CDT
Hi Thandiwe,
First, amazingly cool stuff! I had to say.
Question and a suggestion:
The impressions press, when designing a custom press for paper, can we use plural or do we have to use singular before the foraged item?
suggestion, maybe down the line there could be some kind of basket or sleeve or whatnot to hold multiple items for weaving? Flowers, beads etc :D
I know a few people that would rejoice if this came out!
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/08/2021 08:59 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/09/2021 08:11 AM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 06/12/2021 09:46 AM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 06/13/2021 02:13 PM CDT
These look amazing and I am totally looking forward to putting one to good use. I was wondering though, would you consider converting the old flower presses to this new version? Much like how the old charm bracelets were updated to the new (also awesome) charm bracelets?
Player of Kyaloria
Player of Kyaloria
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 06/13/2021 02:21 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop - Teaser 2 on 06/13/2021 03:08 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/14/2021 02:08 PM CDT
The flower press is so very sweet!
I am wondering if when we read a paper it has been used on whether the new appearance could show up, too. Currently, you have to LOOK at the paper to see it is extra pretty.
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:
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P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
I am wondering if when we read a paper it has been used on whether the new appearance could show up, too. Currently, you have to LOOK at the paper to see it is extra pretty.
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:
Send in news:
P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/14/2021 02:30 PM CDT
Unfortunately, this would either a) require the paper to become subscripted which would prevent people from writing on it or b) drastically reduce how much room there is on the paper to write.
I opted to leave it in the look field and leave the writing in the read field. Honestly, it's how all items should be treated.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
I opted to leave it in the look field and leave the writing in the read field. Honestly, it's how all items should be treated.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/22/2021 02:08 PM CDT
Making my shopping list today and I'm not sure an item has ever shot up to the top priority faster. Holy heck, thank you Thandiwe.
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/22/2021 04:33 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/23/2021 08:03 PM CDT
Some questions were asked in Discord regarding the Binder... Here are the clarifications:
1) If I fill the binder with 25 pieces of paper, and then remove one, do I lose the slot?
You do not the pages rearrange themselves so that the 25th position is now open.
2) If I tear a page out, where do I add the new page?
The new page is always at the back.
3) How much ink does the binder hold?
You can pour 5 vials into it for a total of 50 uses.
4) Can you have something written on the binding?
Yes, just about any merchant can do this for you. Word of caution, you can only read the binding when the binder is closed.
5) Can the binder accept calling cards? And copy them?
The binder can not accept calling cards, which means that it can not copy them.
6) What can be put in the binder?
Any non-scripted paper (I'll repost the list of nouns below), any Wavedancer (though some of you may think of the journals as from Duskruin) journal page that has been torn out of the journal, or the special parchment that is sold in Ta'Illistim.
7) Can I write on the paper if I remove it from the binder?
If you add blank paper to the binder that is scripted to allow for WRITE-ing, then yes, it will function the same way it did before it was added. WD/DR Journals prevent you from writing in them again once they are torn out, so, unfortunately, you can't change them when they come out of the binder. Think of it this way, anything you put into the binder comes out as it was when you placed it in there -- with only 1 exception.
8) What is that exception?
When you use the copy feature, whatever the blank page is that you are copying onto will lose its current properties and take on all the properties of the one before it.
9) Does that mean that if I put a plain, unscripted piece of paper behind one of my fancy ones that it completely changes it to the fancy one?
Yes, that's exactly what it means.
10) So, is the binder a container and just houses all my papers and pages? What I mean is, does it take up 26 spots in my locker? 1 for the binder and 25 for the pages I'm adding to it?
The binder is a single item wither it is empty or not.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
1) If I fill the binder with 25 pieces of paper, and then remove one, do I lose the slot?
You do not the pages rearrange themselves so that the 25th position is now open.
2) If I tear a page out, where do I add the new page?
The new page is always at the back.
3) How much ink does the binder hold?
You can pour 5 vials into it for a total of 50 uses.
4) Can you have something written on the binding?
Yes, just about any merchant can do this for you. Word of caution, you can only read the binding when the binder is closed.
5) Can the binder accept calling cards? And copy them?
The binder can not accept calling cards, which means that it can not copy them.
6) What can be put in the binder?
Any non-scripted paper (I'll repost the list of nouns below), any Wavedancer (though some of you may think of the journals as from Duskruin) journal page that has been torn out of the journal, or the special parchment that is sold in Ta'Illistim.
7) Can I write on the paper if I remove it from the binder?
If you add blank paper to the binder that is scripted to allow for WRITE-ing, then yes, it will function the same way it did before it was added. WD/DR Journals prevent you from writing in them again once they are torn out, so, unfortunately, you can't change them when they come out of the binder. Think of it this way, anything you put into the binder comes out as it was when you placed it in there -- with only 1 exception.
8) What is that exception?
When you use the copy feature, whatever the blank page is that you are copying onto will lose its current properties and take on all the properties of the one before it.
9) Does that mean that if I put a plain, unscripted piece of paper behind one of my fancy ones that it completely changes it to the fancy one?
Yes, that's exactly what it means.
10) So, is the binder a container and just houses all my papers and pages? What I mean is, does it take up 26 spots in my locker? 1 for the binder and 25 for the pages I'm adding to it?
The binder is a single item wither it is empty or not.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/23/2021 08:40 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/24/2021 11:52 PM CDT
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/26/2021 06:01 PM CDT
You take a closer look at a black willow flower press.
Fashioned of two placards of lacquered black willow, the flower press has four long screws that are bound by platinum bolts. Thin pieces of white tissue paper help to absorb the moisture from specimens placed on its platform, while small straps allow the piece to be worn on a belt. Carved into the center of the lid is an aubergine rune that can be used to trigger the drying process once both the placards are pinched in place.
Currently, the platform doesn't have anything on it.
So this looks like I should be able to wear it on my belt, but it doesn't seem to be wearable. Is this supposed to be wearable or should that not be in the description?
Fashioned of two placards of lacquered black willow, the flower press has four long screws that are bound by platinum bolts. Thin pieces of white tissue paper help to absorb the moisture from specimens placed on its platform, while small straps allow the piece to be worn on a belt. Carved into the center of the lid is an aubergine rune that can be used to trigger the drying process once both the placards are pinched in place.
Currently, the platform doesn't have anything on it.
So this looks like I should be able to wear it on my belt, but it doesn't seem to be wearable. Is this supposed to be wearable or should that not be in the description?
Re: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop on 06/27/2021 04:15 PM CDT