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Helden Hall - Bylaws, Charter, and Joining Information on 02/25/2011 06:21 PM CST
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Helden Hall was established for the purpose of promoting the lawful goals of its membership as it may, from time to time, be determined to be of mutual benefit, and for the enjoyment of its membership. The Hall is dedicated to bringing together adventurers who share the warrior spirit, regardless of their profession or training.


Decisions are made by majority vote with the Chairman breaking all ties and controlling the agenda for issues to be brought to a vote. In cases of dispute, the Chairman's decision is final.


The office of Chairman is established for life. Further, the designated heir of the Chairman is empowered to take his/her place upon the death or retirement of the Chairman.

Should the Chairman position become vacant, the Co-Chairman will immediately assume the position of Chairman. If the Co-Chairman is unable or unwilling to fill the position with the attendant duties and responsibilities, the succession for assumption of the Chairman position will be as follows: Treasurer, Secretary, Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary, Castellan, Envoy, Historian.

The offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Castellan, Envoy, Historian, and the Co-positions are appointed by the Chairman. The length of term will be until the officer appointed leaves the house, does not wish to be an officer any longer, or is terminated by the Chairman. If there is an open position and a member is interested, a scroll to the Secretary indicating such interest is appropriate. The scroll would them be forwarded to the Chairman for review.



Name: The name of this officially recognized House of Elanthia is Helden Hall, hereinafter referred to as the "House".


Membership Services:

The following benefits follow the guidelines as those set forth by the local government unless otherwise noted. See Gemstone IV: Houses of Elanthia.

1) Benefit of being an organization.

2) Coat of Arms.

3) Storage Facility.

Each member will have a locker of standard size accessed via the House, House Annex, or other manner designated by the payment of taxes and innovations to society.

4) Workshop.

A workshop will be available to house members for doing research for fighter skills, for use by any House wizard, or to be rented to an outside wizard for use.

5) Sweating Room, Ice Bath, Hot Tub, and Brawling Pit.

For our members health and enjoyment.


Membership and Dues:

1) Membership in this House is contingent on compliance with requirements specified in these bylaws.

2) Membership is restricted by minimum membership standards as set forth by the local government.

3) Membership is unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, life-style, size, color, sex or age.

4) Membership Process

A. Application

Persons applying for membership must petition the House in writing. A designated member, as empowered by the Chairman at time, will forward the house application for them to complete and return. Said member will then forward the application to current voting members by whatever means deemed expedient and authorized by the Chairman.

B. Apprenticeship

o 1. Upon acceptance of the application, petitioner is to be considered an apprentice until accepted for membership or informing the House in writing to be removed from consideration for membership.
o 2. Apprentices must be willing to go through an apprentice session designed to reveal the character of the apprentice and their ideals.

C. Voting will be handled by whatever means deemed most expedient by the Chairman at the time.

5) Persons accepted into membership must be willing to take part in the house initiation rite. Refusal to take part in this rite will be reason for the person's application to be rejected forthwith.

Persons accepted into membership must be willing to take part in allocated house events. Refusal to take part in house events is reason for termination.

Persons accepted into membership must be willing to join house discussion groups as mandated at the time and ensure the House has a current contact address at all times. Refusal to comply can lead to termination.

6) Categories of membership in this House are Lifetime member and Founding member.

A. Lifetime Member: A member who has been voted admittance to the Hall and paid a one-time sum.

B. Founding Member: An original member who joined together with other original members to form the house, before construction began.

7) Initiation

A. Before induction a player must have read and agreed to the terms of the GemStone House system.

B. Before induction a player must have read and agreed to the House bylaws set forth here.

C. Before induction of a player, the officers performing the induction will ensure that the player has read and understood the House bylaws and the GemStone House System and is in agreement with the policies set forth in those articles.

D. At the time of induction, a player must take part in an initiation rite given by the Officers of the house.

8) Termination

A. The Chairman may terminate a membership for failure to meet membership requirements as stated above, provided the member was offered an opportunity to have a hearing if requested at which the member was permitted to defend against the termination.

1. Hearing to consist of the Chairman, all officers and those members that can attend.

2. Before a hearing is conducted, all members will be notified no less than one week prior to the hearing by whatever means of communication the House is currently using and/or the Chairman deems most appropriate.

B. If terminated, a member may be allowed to rejoin by the Chairman after demonstrating eligibility for membership, and being voted in by current membership as per house rules.



1) Membership contributions to GENERAL FUNDS will be considered donations to the House.


The General Funds can be drawn upon by the Treasurer for House expenses, House entertainment (parties), loans, etc.

2) Members are not required to contribute to GENERAL FUNDS.

3) Contributions do not entitle a member to special privileges.

4) Contributions will not be accepted in lieu of loan payments.

5) Contributions must be reported to the Treasurer so that possible discrepancies in the accounts (system) may be found and clarified. The required reporting method shall be determined by each Treasurer, with the approval of the Chairman.


Rules and Regulations:

1) The Chairman will be the final judge on what constitutes non-compliance with these bylaws. These Bylaws may be modified at any time by the Chairman.


Private Rooms:

Helden Hall had a limited number of private rooms decorated for use by the Founding members. Since that time, more have been added for members who paid for the privilege with silvers. This is no longer an option.

If one of the existing private rooms, excluding Founding member rooms, becomes available, at the discretion of the Chairman, it may be offered to a Lifetime member to occupy as his or her personal room.

Due to the limited number of private rooms, Chairman has decreed the following policies:

If a private room becomes available, the Chairman will put the room up for petition among eligible members, who will then petition for the room. After suitable time, the Chairman will meet with the officers and vote on the petitioners. Successful petitioners will be notified and assigned an officer to communicate with the House Controller and staff for creation and/or renovations.

Once a Lifetime member has moved into a private room, it belongs to that Lifetime member for as long as he or she resides in town, remains a member in good standing, and at the discretion of the Chairman.

Private rooms become available under the following conditions:

1. If the person assigned to the room is no longer a member of the House.

2. If the person assigned to the room should leave town for an extended period of time, then the Chairman reserves the right to reassign the room to someone else.

3. Rooms are created during renovations.
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