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PAT your friends, but not your enemies. on 06/18/2021 11:49 AM CDT
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Pat got a little bit of an update. You can use VERB INFO PAT or PAT HELP.

PAT [no target] (with hair) - You pat your head, trying to get your hair to fall into place.
PAT [no target] (bald) - You place your hand upon your head and run it over your smooth scalp.
PAT [self] - You place your left hand upon your head and begin to pat it, while simultaneously rubbing your stomach.
PAT [style] - You pat yourself with style.
PAT [style] {player target} - You pat the {target} on the arm/back/head/forehead/hand/nose.
PAT [object] - You reach out and pat the object.
PAT SET [option] - Shows or sets the pat verb options available.

Styles available:
ARM - You pat (target) on the arm.
NOSE - You pat (target) on the nose. [Group]
BACK - You pat (target) on the back.
FOREHEAD - You pat (target) on the forehead. [Group]
HEAD - You pat (target) on the head.
HAND - You pat (target) on the hand.
AIMLESS - You pat aimlessly. [No Target, Self]
FIND - You pat to find something. [No Target, Self]
KNOW - You pat as if you know something. [Target or No Target]
Please note: Some of the supplied styles have different demeanor or group requirements when using a player target.

Retser, SGM
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Re: PAT your friends, but not your enemies. on 06/18/2021 01:05 PM CDT
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Those verb Leafi and CHE games are gonna be harder now!

Also, missing "pat" typo?

PAT [object] - You reach out and the object.
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