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Heart and Helm Jousting Club Meeting
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EDT
Location: Baronial Tournament Arena, Practice Field
General Info: Join the members of Heart and Helm Jousting Club for some jousting fun! After announcements and a short meeting to discuss current and upcoming events, all are welcome to take your turn in a tilt. Horse raffle tickets will be passed out to club members to sell to the general population for your chance to win one of three Ankaal horses, and two ponies all fully trained by the HHJC herd manager. There is a stable nearby for equine needs. HHJC is still accepting membership applications. Interested persons can speak with Zalinyar about joining the club after the event. We will meet at 8 PM EST at the Baronial Tournament Arena, Practice Field, on Sunday August 14. Directions from inside the gate of Therenborough: N,N,E,E,S,SW,SE (GO STABLE/OUT)E,GO ARCH,E,NW