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A Magical Mixed Juice Mixer
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 10:00pm EDT
Location: [Grassland Road, Meadow], west of Crossing
General Info: <span><p dir="ltr"><span>Allye invites mages, allies, and juice fanatics alike to attend a Mixed Juice Mixer. In light of an increased instability of magic, a tentative understanding of the dynamic based upon Valenal’s theorizing, and the overwhelming encouragement of multiple Immortals, attendees are invited to join in strategically casting low sorcery spells. Together we will attempt to once again bring some semblance of stability to the system and weaken any potentially malicious actor who is theorized to be siphoning pure mana.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>A variety of mixed juices and juice-based cocktails will be provided.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>Directions from outside Crossing's West Gate: go path, west x2, south x3, southwest, south x4Lich: 1468</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>Genie: Map 4, Room 36</span></p></span>