Order of the Dragon Shield: Siksrajan Rendezvous
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 10:00pm EDT
Location: Meeting up at [Langenfirth, Blufe Path], the 'bin', before heading to Siksraja.
General Info: Join the Order of the Dragon Shield along with the Sfek Vauns Arotru Pack for an evening of fine dining and even finer company. With catering by the Dancing Swan and performances to entertain all, this month's Rendezvous is a social event you won't want to miss!
Meet at [Langenfirth, Blufe Path] for a ride to Siksraja before the event. Otherwise, we'll be at the pack house! (Meetup directions: from the Lang barge landing go w, w, n, n, w, w, sw, sw, w.)