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Order of the White Rose: Horsin' Around Joust Training [DR Prime]
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 7:00pm EDT
Location: [Zoluren Royal Mews, Jousting Field], outside the north gate of Crossing.
General Info: <span><span><span>Come and learn about horses and jousting with the Order of the White Rose. Bring a horse to learn to joust, or come to learn about them if you don't have one yet. Joust and Advanced Riding Instruction classes will be offered, while a Horse Trader will help new jousters get established. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and enjoy the endless buffet, with great prizes for participating jousters, and a gift for all who attend. <br><br>Directions from outside Crossing's north gate:<br>Go north, northeast, southeast, go arch, north, go path, northeast x2.</span></span></span>