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Theren’s Blood Ball
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:30pm EDT
Location: Therenborough: Baronial Tournament Arena
General Info: <p>Court Bard Ruea Shai'lin invites all welcome in Theren to attend a fantastic if nontraditional event! Held in the Tournament Arena, all warriors are invited to engage in any form of combat they enjoy, including team fights, spars, and grudge matches. For those inclined to the finer things, a fancy dress gala will be held in the viewing rooms offering the opportunity to dazzle in silks and satins amid music and superb catering. Please bring enthusiasm paired with a good attitude; it’s all in good fun, and everyone should be treated respectfully.<br><br>Directions from inside the Town Gate: north, east, east, southwest, southeast, east, go alabaster arch<br><br>Genie: map 42, room 182<br>Lich #3187<br></p>