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Kirm Morzindu - Group Spars
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 10:00pm EDT
Location: Steelclaw Clan: Kirm Morzindu, Hall Of Champions
General Info: Come and join us for an extraordinary sparring soirée at Kirm Morzindu in SCC! We extend a warm invitation to brave brawlers, triage tenders, and social souls to be a part of this friendly and enjoyable gathering. Bring your plentiful bags of delicious treats, as we indulge in delectable delights while forging marvelous friendships. Get ready for an evening filled with excitement and merriment!   Location:  Located in Steelclaw Claw (from the SCC gate: NW, GO MORZ, GO ARCH, E.  NOTE:  you will need 100 Dokoras to enter the arch).  [Lich Room# 15474, Genie Room# 561, Go Arch, Go East]