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Dragons 101: Lunch and Learn Lecture Series
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:30pm EDT
Location: init
General Info: Calling all dragon aficionados, mythologists, and intrepid adventurers! Once again The Grey Dragons invite you to participate in the upcoming sharing of draconic knowledge.<br><br>The "Dragons 101: Lunch and Learn Lecture Series" seeks to build upon the foundations of the Dragon Research Symposium by diving back into some of the underlying facts about dragonkind. Speakers with firsthand accounts, unique theories and insights will put forth diverse perspectives and presentations that will spark lively discussions and challenge our understanding of these fantastic beings. We'll explore the fundaments of the World Dragon, the God of Dragons, Life / Elemental dragons, and the Heralds over this four-part series.<br><br>The Lunch and Learn Lecture Series will take place on the following dates, all at 9:30PM-10:00PM Eastern:<br>- March 20th: Dragons of Lore, the World Dragon<br>- April 3rd: Dragons of Lore, the God of Dragons<br>- April 17th: Dragons of Today, Life and Elemental Dragons<br>- May 1st: Dragons of Lore, Heralds and their Impact<br><br>The Lecture Series will be held in the Town Hall, Public Meeting Room within the Crossing. When starting from the Town Green North, head South, South, East, Go Town Hall, Climb Stairs, Go Short Hall, Go Double Doors.<br><i>[Lich Room 9457. Genie Map 1 (Crossing), Room 322.]</i><br><i><br></i><br>We look forward to seeing you there!