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Bardic Discussions
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 10:00pm EST
Location: [Bard’s Guild, Conservatory], The Crossings
General Info: <span><p dir="ltr"><span>Members of the Bard’s Guild, and those others who are interested, are invited to meet to discuss those issues of history, magic, and arts that are of importance to the Guild.  We will discuss different topics and end with time for questions and answers from our presenters and others in attendance.  Greeters will be available at the portal into the guild to escort those who need assistance to enter.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>Directions:</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>From within The Crossings, DIR BARD. The Bard's Guild is on Clanthew Blvd, six blocks East of the West gate.</span></p><p><span> Hosted by Nilme Iondu'il <br></span></p></span>