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The Wedding of Selaesia and Brokkrsten
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 7:00pm EDT
Location: Forest Glade
General Info: Selaesia and Brokkrsten are to exchange their vows in matrimony this day! Invited guests are encouraged to bring their invitations to the wedding tent in their respective towns for admittance to the celebration. The ceremony is to begin at 6:00 PM CT (7:00 PM ET). Guests, Please find your way to one of the wedding tents at the following locations when announcements begin: TERAS Plaza Southeast LANDING Wedding Glade RIVER'S REST Commons Circle ICEMULE Tavern Burrow, Ale Street SOLHAVEN Liabo Plaza ZUL LOGOTH Hall of Arches TA'ILLISTIM Fraendel Court TA'VAALOR Amaranth Court