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(Premium) Felthrop's Raffles
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:00pm EDT
Location: Solhaven Environs, Felthrop's Wagon
General Info: Felthrop will be offering the chance to add flares to a weapon or armor piece of your choice via raffle. This year's flare choices are as follows: +5 acuity (runestaves only, to a maximum of +20 for runestaves with existing acuity flares), vacuum, and disruption. (Piece must be +35 or below and must not currently have flares, weighting/padding, or a functional script). Final price will be dependent upon item chosen. Additionally, Felthrop will be offering a chance to add weighting/sighting to a weapon. Guidelines are as follows: 1. Weapon must be 8x or below. 2. Must not have flares or a functional script. 3. Weapon can currently have weighting/sighting, but the maximum to be reached will be "heavy." 4. Final price dependent on item chosen.