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Communing at the Dark Grove
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EDT
Location: [Near Kaerna Village, A Dark Grove]
General Info: <span><p dir="ltr"><span>The consensus was made at “Planning to Break Asildu's Connection” to try and assist Asildu as best we can. The followers of Damaris were asked about the Dark Grove.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>It is time we commune with the Dark Grove. The Damaris followers have let their questions and hopes linger in the Dark Grove. Join us as we once again commune with Damaris’ Dark Grove in our quest for guidance and assistance.</span></p></span><br>Directions: <span><span>From outside the Gilded Unicorn Inn in Kaerna: NE, go gate, go shack, go hole, W, Up, & go Path </span></span><span><span>Lich Room: </span><span>11690</span></span>