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Heart and Helm Jousting Club Jousting Sweethearts Faceoff
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EST
Location: Baronial Tournament Arena, Practice Field
General Info: Join the members of Heart and Helm Jousting Club for their monthly meeting and jousting practice. We will be hosting a "Sweetheart's Faceoff" at this practice, where you can go up against your friends, your lovers, your mates, your spouses and see who come out "on top" Kronar Prizes for the best couple in the jousting repertoire.  There is a stable nearby for equine needs. Please remember that sometimes it takes time to transfer your horse from one province to another. Participants and spectators should come to the Baronial Tournament Arena.    Directions from inside the gate of Therenborough: N,N,E,E,S,SW,SE (GO STABLE/OUT)E,GO ARCH,E,NW