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Order of the White Rose: Scroll and Scales Exchange [DR Prime]
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:00pm EDT
Location: [The Crossing, Landfall Dock]
General Info: <br><font>Are those scroll stacks getting dusty?  Bring your duplicate scrolls to swap with your fellow collectors, or find good homes for your unwanted ones.  Come and enjoy our endless buffet of refreshments while bartering.  Bring your own fishing gear, or use what is already there to catch fish and compete.  Prizes will be awarded for the biggest fish caught or other fun fish-themed games, but the social rewards are an even better prize.</font><br><font><br></font><br><font>Directions from outside the Crossing bank:</font><br><font>Go east, south x3, climb stair, down, go dock.<br></font>