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[Platinum] Solhaven Art Walk and Bake Sale (The Blood that Binds Storyline)
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:00pm EST
Location: Liabo Esplanade, Solhaven
General Info: Come support the local chapter of the Church of Koar in Solhaven by attending the art walk and bake sale being held off of the Liabo Esplanade.  Look for the festive banner-strung arch near the ancient linden tree to gain entrance.  This event will open on the evening of the Day of the Huntress and run through the evening of that following Restday.  <br><br>There will be food, merchants, and art!  A local artist has graciously donated several detailed pieces of art that will be auctioned off on Feastday to support the local chapter of the Church of Koar under Minister <span>Ezaihas.  The highest bidders will be able to have the art set up in their personal home or shop by the merchant.  Look for the announcement for the time.  </span><br><b>Note:</b>  <b>**This does not apply to private properties.**</b><br><br><br>We look forward to seeing you there - all are welcome!