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[CHEs] Goat Days' Festival - Friday Activities
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EDT
Location: River's Rest
General Info: Join Beacon Hall Archive as they celebrate the Goat Days’ Festival! A time-honored tradition in River’s Rest, the fest will include competitions, historical tours, challenging games, and several raffles that will be held over the course of three evenings.<br><a href="https://gswiki.play.net/Beacon_Hall_Archive:_Goat_Fest_5124" target="_blank">https://gswiki.play.net/<wbr />Beacon_Hall_Archive:_Goat_<wbr />Fest_5124</a><br><br>Friday, September 13th<br>9:00 PM “Goat Stories”- Come hear the history of Goat Fest and Citadel zoo tour. Join us for the formal opening of Goatfest 5122 starting at the Beacon Hall Courtyard.<br>Location: BHA Courtyard<br><br>10:00 PM Raffle for Grit - 200,000 worth of grit for use on Blunt Weapons and Brawling, or armor. Up to a difficulty of 500 for Armor and 500 for Blunt Weapons and Brawling Weapons.<br>Location: Commons circle before the path entrance.