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[Prime] Formal Court in Ta'Illistim
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 2:00pm EDT
Location: The Argentate, Ta'Illistim Keep
General Info: Heralds announce that the Court of Ta'Illistim will host their first formal session of the year at 2 Elven on Feastday, the 6th day of Koaratos.<br><br>Seneschal Aeriadrn invites all interested citizens and visitors of the Shining City to The Argentate and reminds them of our continuing tradition of respect and decorum in the presence of the Argent Mirror.<br><br>Petitions will be heard at the end of the session.<br><br><br>OOC Note: Court protocols can be found <a href="https://gswiki.play.net/Protocol_and_Etiquette:_Behavior_Within_the_Court_of_the_Illistimi_Elves" target="_blank"><u>here.</u></a>