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Flotsam Fling
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EDT
Location: The Great Piratical Flotilla
General Info: <dl><dd>The Jetsam Court picks a weekend each year in Olaesta to celebrate spring as a reminder to their ties to the land and its seasons. In the winter months, hempen bracelets in bright colors are woven and exchanged between friends and companions. When word reaches the flotilla of spring's arrival in Elanith's coastal towns, the bracelets are hung about the flotilla, and it moves to a remote area in the sea. Ropes, nets, boats, everything are bedecked with these vibrant loops, heralding the Jetsam Court's weekend of revelry known as the Flotsam Fling. It is believed this tradition was brought to the flotilla by someone whose home village celebrated spring this way, hanging the bracelets from the branches of its trees.</dd></dl><dl><dd>The fling consists of the uncasking of the previous year's batch of Charl's Ocean rum, a potent rum distilled and matured on the flotilla (its motto is "Set Sail for Fun"). Shrimp and fish are barbecued and drinking and dancing go far into the night. Most commerce stops during the Flotsam Fling, and while brawls may break out, all grudges and true fighting are put aside lest the perpetrators face the wrath of the Pirate Queen. While rum is the most popular drink, it is by no means the only, and for those who prefer cocktails, large barrels are mixed of the flotilla's signature drink, the blue mermaid cocktail.</dd></dl><dl><dd>The next morning, the flotilla's favorite hangover cure is rolled out to the decks (where many participants litter the area having fallen asleep or passed out where they stood the night before). This cure consists of an erithi noodle and broth dish favored by many on the flotilla and a drink called Niima's Grace (an effervescent lime beverage sweetened with pomegranate juice). Many, however, also take a bit of the "tentacle of the kraken" as the saying goes, sipping watered-down rum. The rest of the morning and into the afternoon is filled with a brawling tournament judged by the Jetsam Court with the winner being crowned Flotilla King or Queen for a night by the Pirate Queen Kyncera.</dd></dl><dl><dd>As the Flotsam Fling winds up, colorfully decorated ships leave the flotilla in a haphazard parade. A few ships inevitably fire off their cannons, and everyone just hopes their crews are sober enough to aim them out to sea.</dd></dl>